Optimalizovaná ochrana dat pro IBM Systémy

  • Přednášející: Paul Woodford
  • Typ: Přednáška
  • Téma: Systém
  • Jazyk: CZ
  • Délka (min):
  • Klíčová slova:

SPHiNX from Crossroads provides virtual tape library functionality for the
System i. Requiring no agents on the System i it integrates as a true tape
library and drive emulation. This enables fast, multi-streamed backups to
disk and rapid restore. It is also able to support an alternate IPL from disk.
SPHiNX also can integrate with AIX, Linux, Unix and Windows environments
to become the hub of your enterprise backup operations.SPHiNX from Crossroads provides virtual tape library functionality for the
System i. Requiring no agents on the System i it integrates as a true tape
library and drive emulation. This enables fast, multi-streamed backups to
disk and rapid restore. It is also able to support an alternate IPL from disk.
SPHiNX also can integrate with AIX, Linux, Unix and Windows environments
to become the hub of your enterprise backup operations.


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COMMON Česká republika, z.s.
Datum vzniku: 20. června 2000
Spisová značka: L 10973 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze
Identifikační číslo: 70849706
Právní forma: Spolek