PowerLinux Servers Announcement

  • Přednášející: Paul Kirkdale
  • Typ: Přednáška
  • Téma: Systém
  • Jazyk: CZ
  • Délka (min):
  • Klíčová slova:

IBM has recently announced release its first Linux-only servers to
directly compete with x86-x64 servers such as those offered by the
The new PowerLinux 7R2 servers ? the term 7R2 indicates that its a POWER7 server thats two rack units tall ? are mainly intended for
three areas: the analysis of large, mostly unstructured amounts of
data (Big Data Analytics) such as IBMs InfoSphere Streams
or InfoSphere BigInsight with Hadoop,
to deliver business application solutions such as those
open source infrastructure services.Paul will go through these announcements
and position then in terms of the open source marketplace.


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COMMON Česká republika, z.s.
Datum vzniku: 20. června 2000
Spisová značka: L 10973 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze
Identifikační číslo: 70849706
Právní forma: Spolek